
"The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 82)
Astrophotography by Jason Jennings

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Nebulae :: RCW120



Resolutions Available: 860x825 : 1434x1375 : 2048x1964
         Object RCW120 - Dollar Sign Nebula
         Comment RCW120 (aka Sh 2-3, Gum 58) is a HII emission nebula residing in the constellation Scorpius. The nebula is an expanding star forming cloud of ionised gas powered by a central star. The star's radiation interacts with the surrounding dust and gas, increasing the density of matter in new locations, triggering a fresh round of star birth. RCW120 is around ten light-years across, is located approximately 4,300 light-years away.

At a glance the nebula's structure resembles a financial dollar sign, perhaps a more fitting name is the Dollar Sign Nebula.

The image is a [Ha+R]GB composite.

To see the surrounds of RCW120, a wide field version can be viewed here.
         Optics RCOS 12.5" F/9 (2874mm FL)
         Camera Apogee Alta F16M - 1x1 bin (image scale: .65 arcsec/pix)
         Mount Software Bisque Paramount ME
         Exposure Total exposure time: 15 hours
         Date July 2013


© 2024 Jason Jennings