
"The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 82)
Astrophotography by Jason Jennings

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Galaxies :: M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy

M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy


Resolutions Available: 800x600 : 1600x1200
         Object M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy
         Comment The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101/NGC5457) is a face-on spiral galaxy residing in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy's magnificent structure displays thousands of bright HII regions containing clouds of high density hydrogen gas that is contracting under it own gravitational force. M101 appears asymmetrical on one side due to what is believed to be caused by a near collision with another galaxy. M101 is approximately 27 million light-years distant.

The image is a LLRGB composite.
         Optics Takahashi TOA-150 F/7 (1050mm FL)
         Camera SBIG ST10XME (NABG) - 1x1 bin (image scale: 1.33 arcsec/pix)
         Mount Paramount GT1100s
         Exposure Total exposure time: 4.3 hours (L:112min,R:50min,G:50min,B:50min)
         Date Acquired over two nights;


© 2024 Jason Jennings