
"The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 82)
Astrophotography by Jason Jennings

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Nebulae :: IC2177 - Seagull Nebula

IC2177 - Seagull Nebula


Resolutions Available: 800x600 : 1600x1200 : 2400x1800
         Object Seagull Nebula
         Comment Soaring the night skies, the Seagull is a massive diffused nebula that flies the border of the constellations Monoceros and Canis Major. The head of the Seagull (NGC2327), displays an interesting dark lane of nebulosity that resembles a lightning bolt. The surrounding nebulosity is a magenta/blue hue due to the high volume of dust which reflects the blue light of the embedded stars. This is also seen on tip of the upper wing. The Seagull Nebula is approximately 1,800 light years away.

The image is a [L+Ha]+[Ha+R]GB composite.
         Optics Takahashi FSQ-106ED F/5 (530mm FL)
         Camera SBIG STL-11000M - 1x1 bin (image scale: 3.5 arcsec/pix)
         Mount Losmandy Titan
         Exposure Total exposure time: 7.5 hours (L:60min,Ha:120min,R:90min,G:90min,B:90min)
         Date Acquired over two nights.


© 2025 Jason Jennings