"The sky is the ultimate art gallery just above us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 82) |
Astrophotography by Jason Jennings |
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Nebulae :: NGC6357 - Lobster Nebula | |
Resolutions Available: 800x600 : 1600x1200 | |
Object | NGC6357 - Lobster Nebula |
Comment |
Located in the constellation Scorpius, four magnitude seven stars perfectly align, pointing to the center of the faint emission nebula NGC6357 (aka Southern Crab or Lobster nebula due to its appearance). The nebula complex is approximately 5500 light-years distant. Additional luminance data (Ha) from the Takahashi TOA-150 was added to the image providing greater detail and depth. This image is a LLRGB (Ha Hybrid) composite and is a full size crop of a much wider field of view as shown here. |
Optics |
Takahashi FSQ-106ED F/5 (530mm FL) Takahashi TOA-150 F/7 (1050mm FL) |
Camera | SBIG STL-11000M - 1x1 bin (image scale: 3.5 / 1.77 arcsec/pix respectively) |
Mount | Losmandy Titan |
Exposure | Total exposure time: 6.2 hours (Ha:120min,L:105min,R:50min,G:50min,B:50min) |
Date |
20/7/2007 25/4/2008 - Ha data |